Here you will get the Best Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment Doctor, Dr. Uttam Agarwal is one of the most well-known and respected ENT specialists in and around Durgapur and Kolkata. Her expertise has aided us in comprehending the ENT-related challenges confronting today’s urban professionals. She has aided in the development of patient-centered solutions for busy professionals suffering from any type of ENT condition.
The most prevalent sleep-related respiratory problem is obstructive sleep apnea. It causes you to stop and start breathing repeatedly while you sleep.
There are numerous varieties of sleep apnea, but obstructive sleep apnea is the most frequent. This type of apnea occurs when your throat muscles relax and restrict your airway as you sleep. Snoring is a noticeable symptom of obstructive sleep apnea.
There are treatments for obstructive sleep apnea. One treatment includes sleeping with a gadget that employs positive pressure to keep your airway open. A mouthpiece that pushes your lower jaw forward while you sleep is another possibility. Surgery may also be a possibility in rare circumstances.
The following are signs and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea:
1.Excessive drowsiness during the day
2.obnoxious snoring
3.Abrupt awakenings with gasping or choking have been observed during periods of halted 4.breathing during sleep.
5.Having a dry mouth or a sore throat when you wake up
6.Headache in the morning
7.Difficulty concentrating during the day Changes in mood, such as melancholy or irritation
8.Blood pressure is too high.
9.Reduced libido
When should you see a doctor?
Consult a medical practitioner if you have, or your partner has, any of the following symptoms:
1.Snoring that is loud enough to disrupt your sleep or the sleep of others
2.waking awake gasping for air or choking
3.Taking a breather while sleeping
4.Excessive daytime drowsiness, which may cause you to fall asleep while working, watching TV, or even driving a car
Snoring may not always signify a potentially significant problem, and not everyone who snores has obstructive sleep apnea.
If you snore loudly, consult your doctor, especially if your snoring is punctuated by periods of silence. When you have obstructive sleep apnea, your snoring is normally loudest when you sleep on your back, and it becomes quieter when you sleep on your side.
Consult your doctor if you are experiencing chronic exhaustion, sleepiness, or irritability as a result of a sleep disorder.
Dr. Uttam Agarwal is one of the best doctors in Orange Sleep Apnea, Kolkata for this disease he has so much experience so none of the doctors are so experienced to do the treatment of patients.