The first dedicated centre in West Bengal dealing with treatments for Snoring and Sleep Apnea, Voice & Speech problem, complete ENT solutions, Dental Treatment Orange Dental and ENT Care Centre, Snore and Sinus Clinic provide the latest treatment for patients suffering from snoring. The clinic is well equipped (with latest Sleep Lab 21 channel) and Endoscopies of Nose and Throat. The clinic provides most holistic approach to patients suffering from this disorder.
The patients are seen and screened with proper history, questionnaires and followed by clinical examination and then decided and followed with Sleep Study or PSG and later on if required Sleep Endoscopy.
These are some basic questions what a patient have related to Snoring and Sleep Apnea.
Everyone knows that snoring can be a night time nuisance, but did you know that there are several health risks associated with snoring?
About 45 % of adult population snores out of which about 50% are habitual snorers. Occasional snoring is usually not serious and is mainly a nuisance for the bed partner but habitual and heavy snoring can be far from a nuisance. It can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea, a condition where an individual briefly stops breathing during the night which raises the risk of heart failure and strokes.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is where there are episodes of blockage of the upper airway during sleep. These create a reduction in the level of blood oxygen and disturb your patter of sleep. It is very common, mostly undiagnosed and potentially very dangerous. It is a common cause of tiredness and day-time sleepiness.
- Loud and regular snoring (heroic)
- Memory loss and poor concentration
- Feeling very sleepy during the day.
- Irritability and behavioural changes.
- Feeling unrefreshed after awakening.
- Frequent urination at night
- Frequent pauses or gaps during sleep.
- Loss of interest in sex or impotence.
- Tiredness and lethargy
- Morning headache.
If left untreated Snoring and Sleep Apnea has been shown to be associated with
Heart Attacks – High Blood Pressure
Stroke – Diabetes
Lethal accidents – Cardiac Arrhythmias
Depression – At times Sudden Death
The physical obstruction of the flow of air through the mouth and nose is the cause of snoring. The obstruction may be because of deviated nasal septum, hypertrophied inferior turbinates, nasal polyps, poor tone of muscles of pharynx, bulky tongue and soft palate and long uvula. At times congestion of soft tissue due to smoking, alcohol and acid reflux may also contribute to narrowing of airway. Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoid may also cause snoring and is more commonly seen in children.
Snoring is generated when soft tissue and muscles in the throat vibrates. During sleep, muscle tone in the throat and pharynx decreases causing a narrowing of the pharyngeal space, the required volume of air must be inspired at a higher velocity and noisy vibration of soft tissues like soft palate, uvula and at times tongue base causes the sound of snoring.
Patients with Sleep Apnea have interruption of breathing (more than 10 secs) during sleep due to blockage of airway and these episodes of Apnea may run even 100 times in some cases. They awaken frequently at night (not realizing it) resulting in poor quality of sleep leading to tiredness and lethergic in morning and excessive day time somnolence.
They have poor concentration at work, are more easily irritable and easily gets fatigue.
When a person obstructs at night and stops breathing, oxygen levels drop dramatically and hormones and adrenaline surge. Those hormones causes heart to pump harder leading to cardiovascular problems like high blood pressure, enlargement of heart, heart failures, heart attack and stroke and even sudden death. They usually suffers from high cholesterol level and diabetes.
Numerous studies show that Snoring from Sleep Apnea reduces survival. Over 20 years, you have a 70% change of reduced survival with sever Sleep Apnea compard to someone without.
The first step is to discuss your snoring and sleep problem with your doctor. It is a good idea to take your sleeping partner with you, to feel in the gaps regarding what happens to you when you are asleep.
The main stay of diagnosis apart from clinical examination is sleep study or polysomnography. It involves placement of special sensors on the skin to monitor the many physical processes as you sleep. These studies can be conducted in a sleep clinic with a sleep technologist in attendance to ensure the best possible recording. They can also be done in patients home.
Other tests like CT scan of parnanasal sinuses, ECG, Chest X ray, ECHO etc are complementing to the above test. Role of dynamic MRI and sleep endoscopy in ascertaining the area of obstruction is very useful especially in surgical candidates.
The most important step in treating Snoring is recognition and appropriate diagnosis. The various modalities of treatment varies as: Life style modifications like weight reduction, diet control, better fitness regime, avoiding sleeping on back, avoiding smoking and alcohol, sleeping pills and tranquilizers and avoiding heavy meal at night. Treating allergy by decongests sometimes help. Surgeries may be required to remove the physical obstruction and includes septoplasty with or without turbinectomy/turbinoplasty, functional endoscopic sinus surgery, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (especially in children), uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, somnoplasty , genioglossus and hyoid advancement etc . With the advancement of technology use of instruments like coablator or radio frequency has made the surgery less invasive and painful. Another alternative mode of treatment in selected cases is CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure). It is a machine which throws air at high pressure which leads to opening of the mechanical blockage. Patient has to wear it every night before sleep.ental devices are effective in some selected patients.
Snoring is one of the most common disorders observed in Indian population. Snoring is a primary reason for embarrassment. However, it is a primary health disorder which occurs due to problems in breathing during sleep. Snoring can be perfectly cured by proper Sleep Apnea treatment. Snoring’s underlying health disorder is called Obstructive Sleep Apnea and it can cause serious health concerns by interrupting the flow of blood to different parts of the body including the brain. The snoring sound is produced as a result of vibration produced by the mouth’s inside top area and the throat.
There are primarily 2 types of Sleep Apnea:
1) Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA):
It is one of the most prevalent forms of Sleep Apnea. This results due to some physical blockage in the airway. This Obstructive Sleep apnea treatment is gaining awareness with the passing time in India and the World.
2) Central Sleep Apnea
In this case, the airway does not get blocked but fails to provide signals to the muscles to breathe. These Sleep related breathing issues can lead to several health issues like Snoring, Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS), Sleep Apnea – Hypopnea Syndrome, Central Sleep Apnea, Asthma and other kinds of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary diseases.
Sleep Apnea can occur at any age, and can affect children too. But more often it is found in men. Some of the issues that must be treated before going for Sleep Apnea treatment are:
1) Sleeping on Back
2) People aged 40+
3) Obesity
4) Bigger Neck Size
5) Bigger tongue size
6) Bigger tonsils
7) Smaller jaw bone
8) Hereditary Sleep Apnea
9) Chain Smoker
10) Gastroesophageal reflux
11) Menopause
12) Nasal obstruction due to tilted septum, sinus issues etc.
Improper Sleep Apnea treatment can lead to several other health disorders like:
1) High Blood pressure
2) Heart problems
3) Diabetes
4) Depression
5) Frequent headaches
How do you detect Sleep Apnea?
If you are feeling dodgy throughout the day even after an adequate night time sleep, it’s time you get tested for Sleep Apnea disorder. You are normally asked to undergo a sleep test at some laboratory that records brain waves, movements of legs and eyes, oxygen flow throughout the body parts, airflow and rhythm of heart during the sleep. Any kind of break in the sleep gets detected. Another testing method,called Home Sleep Apnea Testing is also available where you can test yourself at home.
There are different options of Sleep Apnea treatment available:
1) Conservative Sleep Apnea Treatments
a) Positive Airway pressure: This is the best treatment for mild condition of sleep apnea. A mask is fixed to the nose which delivers throughout air pressure through the mask. This mask prevents airway from getting collapsed.
b) Oral Appliances: These Oral Appliances are generally best for mild sleep apnea treatment. These prevent the tongue and the upper airway muscles from getting collapsed.
c) Nasal Decongestant: These decongestants are fixed in the nasal area to avoid nasal congestion.
2) Surgery based Sleep Apnea treatments
Usually surgery based treatments are called for only after trying out non invasive treatment procedures. However, it is a must for people suffering from sleep apnea due to jaw related issues. Surgery is required for severe cases of Sleep Apnea. It is basically used to enlarge the airway passage via the nose or throat so as to treat the condition of sleep apnea.
a) Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty: This is called UPPP. This is basically an ideal Obstructive Sleep Apnea treatment. The surgery involves removal of tissue from the back of your mouth's inside and upper portion of the throat to provide an enlarged airway passage. Routine checkup after the completion of the surgery is recommended.
b) Tissue Removal: It is usually practiced in children with enlarged tonsils or adenoids or both. This also cures breathing issues along with sleep apnea treatment.
c) Tracheostomy: This is the last sleep apnea treatment option. It is a big surgery which involves inserting a metal tube through the neck which helps you breathe properly.
d) Other types of sleep apnea treatment surgeries are removal of nasal polyps, straightening the partition between nostrils, removal of enlarged tonsils or adenoids, weight loss surgery etc.
Why choose Orange Sleep Apnea Clinic for Sleep Apnea treatment?
a) Experienced Team: Our experienced set of doctors and staff are committed to provide an excellent medicare care to the patients who are being treated. We have been credited with treating several sleep apnea patients in the recent past with patients visiting us on a regular basis for routine follow up.
b) Reasonable Cost: The quality health care which comes with a reasonable cost is the biggest plus of Sleep Apnea treatment at Orange Sleep Apnea clinic.
c) Top rated Quality: We use advanced technologies for sleep apnea treatment. Our in house laboratory is well equipped to provide the perfect solution to our patient's needs.
Who are at a higher risk of suffering from Sleep Apnea and who need the care for sleep apnea treatment in Kolkata?
1) People having any kind of nasal obstruction are more liked to be needing sleep apnea treatment in Kolkata.
2) People having a family history of sleep apnea are more likely to suffer from sleep apnea problems in Kolkata.
3) Overweight and obese people show a common tendency to suffer from sleep apnea
4) Those suffering from high blood pressure or asthma or diabetes are much more likely to suffer from sleep apnea problems.
How do you differentiate between Sleep Apnea and Snoring?
It is quite normal for a person suffering from sleep apnea to feel tried throughout the day. While snoring may not necessarily be a symptom of sleep apnea. Both are not always interlinked.
Who are at a higher risk of suffering from Sleep Apnea and who need the care for sleep apnea treatment in Kolkata?
1) People having any kind of nasal obstruction are more liked to be needing sleep apnea treatment in Kolkata.
2) People having a family history of sleep apnea are more likely to suffer from sleep apnea problems in Kolkata.
3) Overweight and obese people show a common tendency to suffer from sleep apnea
4) Those suffering from high blood pressure or asthma or diabetes are much more likely to suffer from sleep apnea problems.
How do you differentiate between Sleep Apnea and Snoring?
It is quite normal for a person suffering from sleep apnea to feel tried throughout the day. While snoring may not necessarily be a symptom of sleep apnea. Both are not always interlinked.
How much does a sleep study cost in Kolkata and does insurance companies help?
Sleep Study is a normal visit to the doctor just like for any other normal disease. Insurance plans in India may or may not cover Sleep Study cost in Kolkata and it is always better to have a detailed discussion with your insurance provider for a better understanding. Another important point is that there is no approximate Sleep Study cost. It may range from basic to normal depending upon the issue you have been facing