Sleep apnea | CPAP | OSA Surgery treatment in Kolkata

Sleep Apnea is one of the most common issues of today given the prevalent stressful lifestyle. But how do you find out if you have sleep apnea or not. Check for the following symptoms to understand whether you are suffering from sleep apnea.

1) Snoring
2) Feeling sleepy throughout the day
3) Tendency to urinate more than once during nightime.
4) Obesity
5) High Blood Pressure
6) Diabetes
7) Heart attack

Now let us understand about obstructive sleep apnea. This condition is marked by intermittent stopping of breath during sleep which results in snoring, reduction in oxygen levels during sleep, compromised quality of sleep and daytime drowsiness. Non treatment of sleep apnea can lead to several health related complications – like hypertension, diabetes, heart attacks etc.

Sleep Apnea is an undiagnosed health problem which results in major deterioration of heart and brain functions. Sleep apnea cause breathing pasues during sleep which may last starting from a few seconds to few minutes. And it may happen lots of times during an hour. And breathing commences again with a loud snort.

In H1 tag – But the good news is that sleep apnea disease is totally treatable. Let us list our some major treatment options available for Sleep Apnea – in H1 tag

1) Oral Appliances: Oral Appliances help in holding the lower jaw or mandible forward. This way even if the tongue falls back the air way does not get obstructed. These devices are known as mandibular advancement devices.

2) CPAP: This is called Continuous Positive Air Pressure. It is considered as one of the best treatment options for sleep apnea patients. CPAP basically consists of a small mask that provides air to nose and mouth while sleeping. It is a highly effective treatment option for most patients. But some patients find it intolerable for claustrophobia, embarrassment, comfort issues etc.

3) Surgery based treatment: Surgeries are another most common sleep apnea treatment option. These are mostly used for obstructive sleep apnea treatment. Some prevalent surgery options are:

A) Wedge shaped tongue reduction
B) Tonsillectomy
C) Uvula removal
D) Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
E) Laser assisted uvuloplasty
F) Nasal surgeries to straighten a deviated septum

4) Lifestyle changes: The good thing about sleep apnea is that it’s highly treatable. And sometimes you just don’t need any medications for the same, particularly if it’s a case of mild or weak sleep apnea. Basic home remedies and small yet important lifestyle changes like loosing weight, quitting smoking, stopping sleeping pills, avoiding alcohol, avoiding caffeine etc. can help treat sleep apnea.


Let us discuss about Sleep Apnea surgery in Kolkata. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is one of the biggest problems facing today’s world. Lesser sleeping hours, depression, anxiety, stress etc. have multiplied Obstructive Sleep Apnea manifolds. This Obstructive Sleep Apnea not just affects the patient itself but also the patient’s partner (roommate or bedmate). It can also turn fatal by causing heart attacks during sleep. The most common after effect of Obstructive Sleep Apnea is Snoring.

At Orange Sleep Apnea Clinic, we do a step-by-step diagnosis for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Let us understand Sleep Apnea surgery in Kolkata.

1) Clinical Examination
2) Medical History
3) Sleep Video Endoscopy
4) Sleep Study

The biggest problem with Obstructive Sleep Apnea is that most of the patients do not even realise that they have been suffering from it. Sleep Apnea surgery in Kolkata is only needed for the most severe cases. It results in the following:

1) Daytime drowsiness
2) Slow reflexes
3) Poor memory
4) Difficulty in concentration
5) Risk of Accidents
6) Depression
7) Degradation of Work, Family and Personal Relationships
8) Mental Irritation
9) Diabetes
10) High Blood Pressure
11) Heart attack
12) Obesity
13) Depression

The most common Sleep Apnea symptoms are:

1) Has your roommate or bed partner complained about your snoring?
2) Do you wake up multiple times every night?
3) Do you feel drowsy, sleepy or low on energy during the day?
4) Do you feel difficulty concentrating for a longer duration of time?
5) Do you have morning headaches?
6) Do you suffer dry mouth while waking up?
7) Do you fall asleep when watching TV, reading, working at the office, driving?
8) Do you suffer from acidity?
9) Do you suffer from indigestion?
10) Do you suffer from High Blood Pressure?
11) Are you obese?

All our Obstructive Sleep Apnea treatments are aimed at:

1) Symptom free peaceful sleep.
2) Improved Quality of Life
3) Attentive
4) Stay fresh and relaxed

So, sleep apnea surgery in Kolkata is only required if the patient is suffering from a severe case of Sleep Apnea.

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