Snoring treatment in Kolkata

Snoring is a form of noisy breathing that occurs during the time of sleep. This sound occurs due to an obstruction to the air flow passage at the back of the mouth and nose. Snoring can occur anytime during sleep. Let us hear some facts about snoring treatment directly from the specialist itself – Dr. Uttam Agarwal, head of Orange Sleep Clinic, an eminent Snoring Treatment Specialist, Kolkata.

As per Dr. Uttam Agarwal, head of the best Snoring treatment clinic in Kolkata, more than 50% of Indians have snored more than once in their lives. And approximately 40% men and 24% women regularly snore. It’s highly prevalent as we grow older. However, much older men like 70+ show a tendency of not snoring.

What causes snoring?

One of the best Snoring Treatment Specialists of Kolkata described that a constricted airway passage causes snoring. The contraction of the airway causes trouble to the breathing process which starts happening forcefully and hence sound grows louder because of tissue vibrations. Some of the various issues that cause snoring are:

  • Anatomy of mouth and sinuses
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Smoking habits
  • Prevalent allergies
  • Cold and cough
  • Nasal issues
  • Sleep loss
  • Sleep position
  • Overweight

In the view of an eminent Snoring treatment specialist in Kolkata in children is quite uncommon but it may be a sign of problems with adenoids and tonsils. The child with snoring habit must be examined by an expert ENT. A child suffering from regular snoring issues may have to undergo Tonsillectomy or Adenoidectomy.

Besides, expert doctors for snoring treatment believe that prevalent snoring habit can denote some important issues with the body which are as follows:

  • Overweight: Obesity and snoring are related to each other in a directly proportional way. Obese people tend to snore more.
  • Constricted airway passage: Some people tend to have their nasal structures such which makes for a Constricted airway passage. Soft palates or long adenoids make for a constricted airway passage which leads to snoring habits.
  • Alcohol: Drinking alcohol tends to make throat relaxed and hence snoring increases.
  • Problematic nasal structures: Any problematic nasal structures like deviated septum or chronically congested nose structure can also cause snoring.
  • Heredity: Like all other diseases, this is also hereditary. Heredity plays a vital role in the disease of sleep apnea.

Treatment of snoring:

Sometimes snoring may be caused because of an underlying much graver health severity called obstructive sleep apnea. A sleep study test at Orange Sleep Apnea clinic may present the actual root cause behind snoring like – nasal constriction due to adenoids or tonsillitis or due to cold and allergy, lack of sleep, bad sleep position etc
Correct diagnosis of snoring is much required to decide the best mode of treatment. Snoring treatment Doctors un Kolkata have listed out some prevalent treatment options for snoring:.
  • Oral appliances: For patients suffering from blocked airway passage, doctors normally use an oral device which tends to elongate the gap between jaw and tongue by presenting a free air passage. This device can be fixed by an expert dentist or a sleep specialist.
  • CPAP: This is called Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. In this procedure, one wears a mask over mouth or nose during sleep. The mask pumps on the pressurized air from the air tube to your airway unblocking it as a result. CPAP is one of the most effective treatments for Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
  • Surgeries: Sometimes a surgery is an only option to treat Obstructive sleep apnea. A surgery may involve removing extra soft palate tissue and thus providing a clear airway passage. Implementing tonsillectomy can further clear the airway.
  • Stiffening the soft palate: At times, doctors may advise stiffening of the soft palate as it leads to less vibrations which in turn reduce the chances of snoring. This can be done by injecting foreign substances that leads to stiffness of the softer palate.
  • Weight loss: This is another tried and tested way of treating snoring.

However some renowned snoring treatment providers in Kolkata have suggested that there are lots of home based solutions that should be taken care of to overcome the disease of sleep apnea.

  • Adopting a healthy and athletic lifestyle to avoid unwanted weight gain and maintain toning of muscles
  • Avoid tranquilizers or sleeping pills before bedtime
  • No alcohol till 4 hours and no heavy meals till 3 hours before going off to the bed for retiring.
  • Establishing regular sleep patterns.
  • Avoid sleeping on your back
  • Avoid sleepElevating your head while sleep upto 4 inchesing on your back

Can Snoring turn fatal? Do you require immediate Snoring Treatment in Kolkata?

Yes. Definitely it can. It can be a kind of slow poison which needs to be treated at the earliest. People who snore often are found to feel drowsy throughout the entire day as a result of which their work performance suffers a lot. Its consequences range from mild to severe problems and can affect the daily lives of people and makes it miserable by each passing day if left untreated. Some of the common problems that occur due to sleep apnea are:

  • Depression
  • Irritation
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Problem in Memorizing things
  • Falling Asleep while working/ driving during daytime
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Higher Heart Failure rates

How to ascertain if you are a patient of sleep apnea and do you need to be urgently treated for Snoring Treatment in Kolkata?

Well, it is difficult to comprehend sleep apnea yourself. Mostly, spouses or roommates are the first one to report the case of sleep apnea due to loud snoring while sleeping or seeing the patient choke while sleeping. At times, colleagues have reported a teammate falling asleep at the most inappropriate times like during driving, talking on phone etc. This case of Obstructive Sleep Apnea still lacks awareness in our country and as a result most people do not even believe that they are patients of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Hence, you must see a doctor at the earliest to get all the doubts cleared.

You can visit Orange Snoring treatment centre in Kolkata for one of the best snoring treatment in Kolkata.

Snoring treatment in Kolkata is gaining traction like never before. For your information, more than 30% of divorce cases in Kolkata have seen snoring as an important reason behind them. One of the best non invasive snoring treatment in Kolkata is laser treatment.

This laser treatment involves a non ablative laser to heat up the involved tissue thereby tightening the tissue. Thus the airway passage gets widened reducing the snoring as an aftereffect. It does not involve any surgery and hence no dressing is required. Laser treatment strengthens the structures at the back of the throat like uvula, anterior tonsillar pillars etc. which helps reduce the vibration of structures during sleep thus reducing snoring.

Can laser treatment form a complete solution for snoring treatment in Kolkata? This treatment minimizes snoring to the minimum possible extent and in some cases it may stop completely. However, it may require frequent applications.

The laser treatment, one of the advanced snoring treatment in Kolkata, consists of 3 sessions. There is a gap of 2 weeks between the first 2 sessions and a gap of one month  between 2nd and 3rd sessions. And each session lasts mostly 20 minutes. The results are almost instantaneous and can be observed from the first day itself. However, you get to see results improving with every passing day. And it is relatively safer when compared to the other traditional methods since it involves negligible bleeding and can be easily performed under local anesthesia. Most importantly it is a shorter procedure where the patient can commence the normal routine almost immediately.

Dr. Uttam Agarwal is the one of the best doctors for Snoring Treatment in Kolkata. And according to Dr. Uttam Agarwal, one of the Snoring treatments specialists in Kolkata – no snoring problem is small. The clinic is known for its precise treatment procedures. Dr Uttam Agarwal makes sure each and every patient gets adequate time and discusses even the minutest of the things in details. The doctor tries it’s best to give back to the patient it’s normal routine life in the best possible way. The doctor known for the best Snoring treatment in Kolkata offers post treatment care as well.  Anyone whose suffering from Snoring Problem in Kolkata can come forward to book an appointment with Dr. Uttam Agarwal who is one of the most eminent doctor for snoring treatment in Kolkata.

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