Septoplasty in kolkata

If you’re experiencing difficulty breathing, snoring or constant nasal congestion, it could be a result of a deviated septum. A deviated septum is a condition that occurs when the thin wall (the septum) between the nostrils is displaced, causing one nostril to become smaller than the other. The condition can result in a range of symptoms that impact the quality of life, including difficulty breathing, snoring, and recurring sinus infections.

Thankfully, a procedure known as septoplasty can provide a long- term solution to this condition. Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that straightens the deviated septum, allowing for easier airflow through the nasal passages.

If you are considering septoplasty in Kolkata, you may have  some questions about the procedure. Here’s everything you need to know.

The procedure itself typically takes around one hour and is performed under general anesthesia. During the surgery, the surgeon will make an incision inside the nostril and lift the mucous membrane that covers the septum. The surgeon will then reshape or remove parts of the septum  to straighten it, and then place the mucous membrane back over the septum. The incisions will be closed with sutures, and the patient will be monitored in the recovery room before being discharged.

After the surgery, it’s common to experience swelling, congestion, and some pain. Your doctor may prescribe pain medication and antibiotics to prevent infection. It’s essential to keep the nasal passages clean by irrigating the nose with saline spray or a neti pot. You should avoid blowing your nose for at least a week after surgery to prevent bleeding. Most patients can return to their regular activities within a week or  two, but it may take several weeks to fully recover.

If you’re considering septoplasty in Kolkata, it’s essential to choose an experienced and reputable surgeon. At Orange Dental & ENT Care Centre, we offer top- notch septoplasty procedures that are customized to meet each patient’s unique needs.

Our team of ENT specialists is led by special Drs, an experienced surgeon with a track record of successful septoplasty procedures. Dr. Sen uses the latest surgical techniques and technology to ensure a  safe and effective procedure that delivers optimal results.

At Orange Dental & ENT Care Centre, we understand that the decision to undergo septoplasty is a significant one. That’s why we  provide personalized care to each of our patients to ensure that they are comfortable and informed throughout the entire process.

In addition to septoplasty, we offer a range of other treatments for nasal and sinus conditions, including sinus surgery, allergy testing, and nasal polyp removal. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the  latest technology and staffed by a team of skilled professionals who are dedicated to providing exceptional care.

If you’re experiencing symptoms related to a deviated septum, don’t hesitate to seek treatment. Septoplasty is a safe and effective procedure that can provide long-term relief from nasal congestion, snoring,  and difficulty breathing.

Contact Orange Dental & ENT Care Centre today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced ENT specialists. We look forward to helping you breathe easier and improve your quality of life.

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